Pain Management

An instant solution for pain relief

At our Pain Management Centre, our expert anaesthesiologists provide immediate solutions for chronic and acute pain relief. We aim to treat chronic pain holistically, combining modern pain technologies and complementary methods.



  • Pain therapy consultation
  • Chronic pain relief
  • Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks with injections
  • Safe laser treatment – rental

What is the purpose of pain relief?

A significant proportion of the critical fields are multifaceted, demonstrating that the perception and intention of the severity of the disease, including its perception and intention, is a factual effect.

A multitude of medical specialties are involved in the treatment of pain, yet each typically addresses pain within the confines of its own discipline, adhering to the established guidelines of that specialty. The management of modern pain, particularly chronic pain, requires a multimodal approach that follows the solutions of several specialties. Anaesthesiology is the field of medicine that unites the various disciplines of pain management. The anaesthesiologist possesses a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s overall condition, while simultaneously being equipped to address multiple domains concurrently.

Our chief anesthesiologist initially obtained his qualifications at BM Central Hospital and subsequently assumed the role of chief anesthesiologist at the Tata Castle Clinic. He is currently engaged in the management of both surgical and chronic pain in patients. For a period of five years, he has been diagnosing and treating pain in patients referred to him at the MoM Sports Pain Outpatient Clinic, also in an outpatient setting.


Our interventions are recommended for people with the following conditions:

  • chronic musculoskeletal pain
  • chronic regional pain syndrome
  • rescue therapy for knee and hip pain of abrasive origin
  • post-traumatic chronic pain
  • post Covid pain syndromes
  • migraine
  • headache syndromes

Managing Pain

The management of pain is a multifaceted process that encompasses both the treatment of the underlying cause and the alleviation of the associated symptoms. This approach can not only alleviate the pain itself but also enhance the patient’s overall quality of life.


  • Muscle tension (even for other causes), which can be relieved by massage
  • Trigger points, which are painful areas in the muscles ( and can be mapped), whose pain also radiates to the tendons, joints. Jelling, dry needling or injecting these with anaesthetic will affect the pain as a whole, With the dry needle technique, no medication is given, but the trigger point is stimulated to release the pain (this is not placebo, the patient knows they are not receiving medication).
  • The release of muscle tension by anesthesiologist injection
  • The blocking of sensory nerves with a local anaesthetic
  • steroid injections into joints, gums, muscles, to treat inflammatory pain
  • Shockwave therapy for pain – to relieve muscle tension
  • Laser therapy for pain with Safe LASER, a procedure that is safe for the eye ( safe laser is a soft laser that is safe for the eye, commercially available and can be used by anyone at home, no precautions for medical lasers are required). Our 660 and 808 nm wavelength soft lasers have circulation improving, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects
  • Medication suggestions for short or long term
  • Analgesic, muscle relaxant Infusion therapy, acute pain relief (e.g. for lumbar spasm)


The aforementioned procedures are relatively low risk. However, there are a few potential complications that should be noted.

These include:

  • Vascular puncture may result in haemorrhage and bruising of the area.
  • Allergic reactions to the medicines used may occur.
  • Infection at the injection site is not a complication requiring acute care.
  • Muscle injury and nerve injury may also occur, but are not complications requiring acute care.

In what circumstances do we implement our interventions?

  • The above procedures require the presence of a qualified Anesthesiologist
  • Accurate knowledge of the medications the patient is taking, drug allergies
  • Strict observance of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis
  • Presence of available drugs (steroid, Tonogen, Atropine) to treat possible allergic reactions
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How is this accomplished?

  • Patients are examined during a general medical consultation and examination, which is provided free of charge and conducted on an examination bed.
  • The procedures are carried out after disinfection, by injection and, in the case of nerve blocks, by ultrasound targeting.
  • Shockwave and laser treatments are non-invasive procedures that are initiated following the release of the affected part of the body.
  • The majority of patients are discharged immediately after the intervention, although in some cases, a period of observation and monitoring of vital signs (blood pressure and pulse) may be required. This monitoring is typically conducted in the presence of a doctor and utilises a sphygmomanometer and pulse oximeter.


We’re here to help! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to be a resource for you.
We follow up with patients with a control examination, but we’re always available if you have a complaint.